Have any of you noticed how high priced Scott bathroom tissue is? This is the kind of toilet paper that is recommended for use in R V’s because you can get it in 1 ply, but why is it so darn much higher? I mean, if I were buying a 2 or 3 ply, I would expect to pay more, but for something that is biodegradable to be that much higher is ridiculous. Does this bother you too?
Just got through making our favorite lunch. Peanut butter and jelly, with yogurt and some hot and spicy cheez-it crackers on the side. If you haven’t tried these crackers yet, you should. They are a bit on the hot side, but I love them.
Wanted to let friends and family know that Uncle Boone (my brother Don ), made it to the Nursing Home alright. It irked me that he had to take a cab to get there. They told him at the hospital that if he wanted to go in an ambulance, that he would have to pay a thousand dollars, out of his own pocket, just to go across town. But, he did make it and as promised I am going to add his address:
Decatur Care And Rehab
4851 Tintcher RD.
Indianapolis, Indiana. 46227
RE: Donald Buchanan
The family can go ahead and call his cell phone because he wasn’t sure about the number in his room, but may have it when you call. I am going to try to add a picture of him here, just to see if I can get it to work on this new Live Writer I am trying out.
Uncle Boone and my daughter Shannon
Not much happening around here today. I am still posting on both sites, so hang in there with me.
It was pretty easy to add that picture so thought I would try to add one of my favorite animal to see in the wild.
And, I am pretty sure if you double click on these pictures, they will pop up larger.
Stay safe…. :)
Hello Frugal Travelers! I've logged on to be one of your Followers and I look forward to seeing where you go. Uncle Boone looks pretty good in that photo. Glad he made it to his home safely!
Safe travels and enjoy the view.
Looks like you are doing a great job downloading those pictures!! Live Writer is soooo much easier. You will enjoy blogland!!
Could you send us some of that cooler weather??
It has been in triple digits here for about 4 weeks.
Take care!
Mike & Gerri (happytrails)
You are really transitioning into blogspot very well. It took me a long time to be comfortable with it, and since then I have to stay with it because I don't want to go through that learning curve again.
Glad your brother made it ok to the nursing home.
Enjoy that cool weather - most of the country is envious!
I'll bet that cab ride to the nursing home was a lot less than $1,000!! Uncle Boone could have rented a limo for a lot less than that I'll bet!
Looks like you got the pictures in your blog just fine too!
Hi Midge... I just saw your comment and question on my blog and as I don't have your email address, I'll answer here. You can always delete this after if you like. By the way, no problem with leaving a message by comment but there is a simpler, more direct way.
In the comment I left, If you click on "Rick and Paulette", that will take you to my profile page and under Contact, you will see 'email'. Just click on that and you will be able to send me an email message.
In the comments left on your blog so far, the same process would work for MargieM and Happy Trails. Gypsy, however, does not include her email address on her profile so unless you know her address, you are limited to messages left via comments.
Hope this helps........ rick
Great job inserting the pictures in Live Writer! I'm jealous...I haven't seen a moose this year, let alone a pair. :)
Did you take your header picture, too, of the mittens?
Hi again, I tried to reply to your message via an e-mail address for you but it bounced back. Rick has basically left his comment with the same into I was sending you. Hope it helps!
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