We just can’t believe this weather. It is August and we woke up to 50* this morning. It was definitely a two cover night. I also ran the furnace this morning. Just to take the chill off. I like to read my emails with my nightgown on, and it was a little chilly in here for that. It is 3:00 here and still only 63*. I know a lot of places are suffering through real heat waves, and I wish I could send them some of our cool air.
There is new full timers among us. Mark and Linda just started full timing and also just started a traveling blog. If you get time take a gander at it. The address is: http://goodsamclub.mytripjournal.com/crossingthecountry Linda is a real sweetheart and I think you will enjoy it.
Well, tomorrow starts the beginning of the football season for me and Donnie. I guess while we are out here, we will be able to see some of the Bronco’s preseason games, but I won’t be able to see any of the Colt’s games. Some of you probably don’t care about this, but Donnie and I have been waiting since the Super Bowl for the new season to begin. I guess I will wear my hand out switching back and forth between the NASCAR and football. Our teams do have to play each other this year, so stay tuned for the friction. :)
Saturday mornings are our time to go out for breakfast. We wanted to go to The Silver Spur, but we couldn’t even find a place to park. To say it was packed, is putting it mildly. I guess we will go back on a weekday morning and see if we can get in. We drove around Sheridan looking for another small, family restaurant, but couldn’t find any, so we took a drive over to Big Horn, a small town about 8 miles south of Sheridan. Most of you probably wouldn’t even stop at a place like this, but Don and I love these little out-of-the-way places. So, we ended up at the Big Horn Mercantile. We didn’t know what to expect, but it was really a cool place and it was jumping the whole time we were there. And, the food was delicious. The best bacon I have had in months. The little girl doing all the waitressing, was really busy, so I couldn’t ask her about the history on the building. A nice experience, and we will probably go back. I took a couple of pictures and will share them with you.
Inside the Mercantile. Notice the old rack for odds and ends. This how we were served our juice.
The Mercantile
I think if you enlarge this picture, by clicking on it, you can make out the date of the building.
We also visited a very large Antique store in down-town Sheridan this morning. I am always on the look for small perfume bottles and clocks for my cousin, Charlotte and Carnival Glass for my best Buddy. Didn’t find either today, but this was some big antique shop. In fact, I lost Donnie at one point and decided to go outside and wait for him. While waiting, I got this shot of a mountain lion. A sculpture in downtown Sheridan.
I wanted to thank Rick for helping me with a few problems I have been having since coming to blogspot. I still haven’t figured out the email thing, but I will sooner or later. Just want everyone to know I appreciate all your comments and I will do my best to answer them some how. Judy B. this picture is for you. I remember you having a holder issue with your new rig and thought you might get a laugh out of this one. A pretty cool idea.
Catch you all later…. :)
I like those kinds of restaurants too. Just give me plain good country cooking, especially on the breakfast menu.
good post..thanks for sharing your day with us!!
Sounds like my kind of restaurant too!
On the email question, when this comment is posted, just display it, click on "Rick and Paulette" and that will open my "Profile" page. Scroll down under my photo a bit and under "Contact", you will see "email". If you click on email it should take you to an email message screen where you can send an email to me as a test.
I really like those kind of restaurants!! It really gives you a flavor of what the area is like. Sounds like it had great food too. :-)
Thanks for the link to Linda's trip journal. I'll give it a read.
Mike & Gerri (happytrails)
Ha! I love the tp holder. That's exactly what I need. I'm still have problems with the runaway roll!! :)
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