Just got off the phone with Uncle Boone. Good news on that front. When he went in to have his blood count checked this week, it was still up to 9.7. The Doctor told him he wouldn’t even have to get his count checked this next week. This hasn’t happened since he first found out about his illness. Also his platelets have fallen way back down. The only problem he is having right now is the weight loss. He is a very big person, 6' 3”, and he is now down to 162lbs. He thinks he has quit losing though, so maybe it will go the other way now.
A few months ago, Uncle Boone’s truck was broken into, and all of his fishing rods and tackle were stolen. This was about the only hobby he could still participate in. He would take a lawn chair, his poles, and just sit beside a stream in the fresh air. The nurses at the Nursing Home were asking him about his Hobbies, and he told them the story. A couple of days later one of the nurses came back in and asked if he would be offended if she brought him some fishing tackle and rods? One of her friends had a bunch of fishing equipment that he no longer used and wanted to donate it to Uncle Boone. This story made my heart swell, till I thought it would burst. Just when you think this world has turned into a horrible place, something like this happens, and restores your confidence in our society.
I took a couple more pictures of the area where we are staying and will share them with you.
Talked to my best Buddy earlier today and she is doing very well too. Her platelets have come down, so looks like she is on the mend.
Hope you all have a great Sunday. We are just kicking back and taking it easy. We will be watching the Broncos later, but that’s it.
Stay safe.
I think all of us get tired of trying to maintain a blog, but hang in there. It's worth it, even if you only do it to keep a record for yourself. I have gone back many times and read my journal from the Appalachian Trail backpacking trip, or my life in Ireland, and think "What a long way I have come!"
Great news about your Uncle Boone's health and about him getting all that fishing tackle. There are still many, many good hearted folks around.
As for blogging, I haven't yet experienced the urge to quit as I find it to be a very challenging and interesting hobby. It's also a lot of fun and I don't try and take it all that seriously either.
We enjoy it way too much to ever think about quitting. We do it because we love sharing our thoughts, ideas and travels. If we can help one person to pursue their dream lifestyle (whatever that may be), that makes us feel good, but we do it because it's a passion for us.
We too love sharing the point that budgets should never stop you from following your dream. Instead it should help you to become much more creative with new ideas to make it work.
Keep blogging, there are many others out there who need to hear what you have to say!
What a great ending for your Uncle Boone, even after 30 years of law Enforcement, when many of my co-workers had grown cynycal,I never have given up my faith in my fellow man, I have seen many example of cruelty, but the good has always outnumbered the bad tenfold. The majority of people out there are jst good old fashioned people with values and most of the time it show's. Hope he enjoys his new rod's, Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.
We love to read your blog because like you, we are going to be on a tight budget and have to work a long the way.
glad to hear that your Uncle Boone is feeling a bit better..and as for the blog writing..if you write it they will read it!!!..
for me it is documentation of our life..a scrapbook per say..some read..some comment..some read and don't comment..it is all good..life is a journey no matter what you are doing..travelling or working..it is all about the journey!!!
Glad things are better for Uncle Boone. I like your blog and am so happy I have found it. I hope you continue as your writing content is interesting.
I love reading your blog, but please, please, could you make the print larger? Maybe I am going blind, but I really have trouble seeing it. I like your pictures too. I have "been there done that" but its still a great place to visit. I think every one is on a tight budget. At least there are two of you, my SS is not very much!
In thee times of discontent & confusion in the world it is nice to hear a warm human interest story. That was so nice of someone to donate their fishing tackle to your Uncle Boone. Weather the rough blogging seas because there will be calmer water ahead.
I have found blogging to be a great little hobby. It's so much more interactive than just writing a journal for myself. Having an audience has also prompted me to try to improve my photography skills. :)
I hope you continue to blog, Pidge. We gals behind the wheels have to stick together! :)
Don't know Uncle Boone, but I sure would like to! Sometimes I find it hard to keep on top of the blogosphere and wonder if I am waay too attached to the computer screen...If I ever skip going outside to stay inside and blog...I' outa here!...Love your blog!
I just recently came across your blog and I have been reading all of your posts from the very beginning. Do not quit. I read them out loud to my husband.
Happy camping.
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