We are staying at the Country Roads Motor home and RV Park. We only have water and electric, no cable for $84.51 for 3 days. Yep, that is more than we normally would pay for full hook-ups, but this is a holiday week end and so there wasn’t a whole lot to choose from. It is a nice park and very well maintained. They do have free, very strong, Wi Fi.
I’m not sure what we will do while we are here. Maybe nothing. We really don’t like going out and exploring on the week end, then add in the holiday, and I think we have a movie week end coming on. We still have about 30 movies to watch that we got from my little sister, Dotty and her husband, so now is as good a time as any to break them out.
I guess our little boo boo with the gas yesterday didn’t do any harm. I don’t know much about these things, but one would think if something was going to happen, it would have already happened. I’m praying anyway.
I just finished making a pan of chocolate, walnut, brownies. I know we are supposed to be taking it easy on the calories and fat, but in every life a few brownies must fall.
I just talked to my step daughter, Mickie again. Her little Boston Terrier, Macy has been entered into a calendar contest, so I wanted to let her know I had voted for her puppy. I hope she wins. Mickie did a very special thing not long ago. She found a big Husky that had been shot, and took it to her Vet, she then very patiently changed this dog’s bandages everyday, till it was well again. It takes a special person to do this, and I love her for it.
I think we will have breakfast for supper tonight. I have left-over chili and left-over chicken, but none of that sounds good. I bought some very nice ham steaks the other day and I thought some scrambled eggs would go good with them. Maybe some fried potatoes too
Want to welcome my new followers Margie and Rodger.
Stay safe….
I love scrambled eggs for a quick and easy dinner.
The RV park looks like a really nice one, with lots of space and level sites. When I travel I always pack my coffee maker/carafe away in the original box. It's easy enough to do and each to get back out. I do that with lots of appliances such as the electric heater, toaster, etc. Some of the larger boxes ride very well under the dining chairs. Do you have one of those built-in coffee makers?
Hey Pidge, did you know your header picture is on fire? I can almost smell the smoke way up here!!
Walnut brownies, scrambled eggs, ham and potatoes - doesn't come any finer than that for breakfast or dinner(even the brownies)!!
I think Lake Delton may be near Baraboo. If that's so, a trip to the International Crane Foundation might not be too crowded, and certainly worth the trip. I, of course, would go to Baraboo for the cow pies, holiday weekend or not. But then, I really like their chocolate. :)
The brownies sound delicious. :)
And that is a wonderful thing Mickie did for that Husky! I've always found that people who take the time to really care for an animal have kinder, gentler hearts and souls than most.
We sometimes have bacon and eggs for lunch which is our big meal. That way I don't feel so guilty. Your RV really looks great. I am envious ☺
thank goodness you saved the coffe pot!!..hay ..where did the nice hay bale picture go..??..it was an awesome shot..I tried to find one just like it when we were away but had no luck!
Loved the comment...in every life a few brownies must fall. Sounds good to me. Now I have a brownie craving, thanks Pidge.
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