We had another very uneventful trip from Gautier, MS., to Montgomery, Alabama. It was a very pretty drive, and what caught my eye more than anything else was all the redbuds and the wild Jasmine in bloom. When they were together it made a breathtaking view. I was driving so couldn’t get any pictures, but it was very pretty.
We reached Montgomery around noon, but again, I had a senior moment and lost Judy’s number. Had no way to get hold of her so, I panicked for the first few minutes then, I just happened to think about sending her an email. A little later I thought why not cover all bases so, I sent her a message on face book, and just in case she didn’t check, I sent her daughter a message also. Melissa, Judy’s daughter did see the message and got the ball rolling. Thank you Melissa.
We finally got to meet Judy and her husband, Dick about 30 minutes later. Believe it or not, it was like we had known each other for ever. After hugs, we hopped in their SUV and Dick took us to some of his favorite places, and even showed us another RV Park that is much closer to them. After riding around for an hour or so, we went by their house and got acquainted with Killer, their little dog. He is such a sweetie. They have a beautiful home and a large, fenced-in, back yard.. We felt so at home and welcomed.
After leaving the house, Dick took us to a very nice Mexican restaurant for dinner. It was great and Dick insisted on picking up the bill. Thanks again Dick and Judy for a great meal out.
The next day we took the truck and Rusty and went back to their house for some playtime for Rusty and Killer. As you might have guessed, I took a lot of pictures of the 2 boys romping in the back yard. Judy went out with them for the first few minutes, but after that they just had a ball.
Dick had prepared a meal fit for a king for our dinner. He made a roast beef with new gold potatoes, and carrots. He also made some very good baked beans, Cole slaw and rolls. That roast was so tender it just melted in your mouth. He is a marvelous cook. Judy is very lucky..
Judy seems to be doing very well with her bout with cancer. I was worried we were wearing her out, but the way she talked, she tries to live every day to it’s fullest.
Judy and I hopped in the truck and ran over to her Vet’s office and picked up some flea meds. for Killer and Rusty. We talked all the way over and all the way back. We had a wonderful 2 days with these great people and just know we will be meeting up with them again.
Thank you so much Judy and Dick for a great two days of visiting and eating. We loved it and love you.
I want to welcome 2 more followers. Rachel and Mactrailer. Rachel I couldn’t find a site for you, but if you have one please let me know. Mactrailer has one I have been reading and he is a wonderful writer. Check it out when you get time.
We are in Milton, Florida now and met with some friends yesterday and are meeting with other friends in a couple of hours. I will write more about these two meetings in a couple of days.
Stay safe….
What nice couple days with some true friends.
Sounds like you all (including the "boys") had a wonderful visit. Good food, good friends, good times!
Glad to hear that you had a wonderful time with your friends. It's always nice to meet in person!
And wasn't it great that they had a fenced in yard? :)
We have a "Rusty" dog, too. He's our oldest dog, but we love him. He's getting used to travel in the motorhome, now. It seems he likes this one a lot more than the older one we had. He actually took a little snooze.
I noticed you like Native American Flute music, and I do too. A friend of mine makes flutes, and has been playing them for a long time. He has a wigwam in his yard that he likes to spend time in.
Isn't it great to meet up with good friends! Sounds/looks like everyone had a wonderful time!
Glad you are enjoying your stay there and are having a great time meeting new friends.
Thanks for the kind words Pidge. We all enjoyed the visit so much. Hope Florida is good to y'all. Looking forward to seeing y'all "down the road". Let us know when u come back to this area. Love to all!
Happy days for you! That's great to hear. Rusty is getting bigger and seems to have lots of fun. Lucky dog ☺
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