Since we had some time on our hands, Donnie and I went over to Camping World to get a new motor for the fan in our furnace. We had a new one put in last year, but it has made a horrible noise ever since they replaced it. Donnie watched him last year, so will do this one on his own. The difference being it cost us $400.00 last time, and only $72.00 this go around. Quite the difference wouldn’t you say?
Another one of our sisters, Dotty called yesterday to talk about Uncle Boone and everything else going on in our family. I wish they were closer, but they are clear down in Paducah, Kentucky, which is about 6 or 7 hours from here. She says her new grandson, Kipton, is doing just fine. Glad to hear that cause his Mommy had lots of problems while carrying him.
Uncle Boone, Charlotte, Donnie and myself all drove down to Brown County this morning. We went to a small little place called Nashville, Indiana. It has all kinds of little shops and touristy things to do. Since Uncle Boone couldn’t walk around, Charlotte and I just visited a few shops and then returned to the truck and drove around the county some more.
Charlotte knew of this quaint little place called, Story, Indiana, so we drove out there and back. It was a beautiful drive, but I will let my pictures tell the rest of the story.
Some of the pretty mums we saw today.
Out side some of the many shops in this small town.
Beautiful gourds everywhere we looked.
Inside one of the shops. I loved the copper-wire trees.
Of course you have to by the obligatory shirts. These are made from hemp, so if worse comes to worse, we can cut them up and smoke them… :)
Inside another shop.
Quilts, beautiful quilts everywhere.
This is the tiny place called Story, Indiana.
This is a picture of some of my daughter’s creations, as requested.
That’s it for today. It was a fun day, but a tiring one. We did see a few pretty leaves, but since I drive, I couldn’t get any pictures of them. Hope you enjoy what I did post. Thanks to Rick and Sue for all your help with the collages. I think I have it now. Catch you all later… :)
I like the jewelery has she checked out it's like e-bay but only for hand made things. I working on a page for my silverware jewelery.
Be sure and let me know about your jewelry page. I get compliments on my earrings every day. Want to check out the rest of your stuff.
I love your header! Now Pidge, don't you go smoking that funny stuff! :)
It looks like you had a great time Your new header is beautiful. It looks like you figured out how to do the collage feature. Good job!
It looks like you have mastered collages, Pidge. Good job on the pictures. Story, Indiana looks like a fun place to visit.
I would like to use your picture of the shirt with the bicycle on it. May I have your permission?
Glad you were able to get out and enjoy Nashville. It's a neat little town. Somewhere around there is where the Covered Bridge festival is held each year.
Thanks for the comment Margie. Yes, the covered bridge festival was last week end at Rockville, Indiana. I wanted to go, but had company from home, so couldn't.
Looks like a great little place for browsing around for an afternoon. Good job on the collages too.
Beautiful pics all the way through the blog today, pidge. I'm glad you all got out for some activity. Have a good weekend.
The pictures are wonderful!
glad you got the collages to work!!..good job..thanks for the honourable be in the same sentence as our favourite Computer Guy is an honour!!
So nice to see a post from you! I love the collages and all the pictures. You did a fab job of showing all my favorite things of fall! Love the bittersweet and chinese lanterns! Glad you got out for a day and were able to enjoy such beautiful sights! It certainly looks like a spot I would love to visit!!
Your header looks great, I love the colours. Also love the colours of the mums. Everything has such wonderful fall colours.
Glad Uncle Boone a good day.
Kevin and Ruth
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