When we finished up with that we had to head over to another building to get to the bone marrow unit to have his count checked. That was a good surprise. His count came back at 9.2. We have no idea why it stayed so high this time, but we are not complaining.
Saturday evening I got a call from our Niece, Jo Lynn. She is one of my oldest brother, Joe’s daughters. She lives in a small town close to Indy called Westfield. We made plans for her to come and see Uncle Boone in the evening. I have a couple of pictures I will share with you.
She is such a sweet girl and her and her Hubby said they would come back again and we would have a little get together with food, drink and maybe some cards.
Friday my brother wanted to take me and Donnie out to Plainfield, Indiana to a KFC buffet. For some reason that is his favorite one, so we went. I must admit the food was very good. While out there we drove in to the old part of Plainfield. There are some beautiful old homes out there, but they were working on the roads, so the traffic wasn’t any fun. We drove out of town a little ways to turn around and that’s when I spied Gilley’s Antique and Craft Mall. You know I had to go back, so I called my cousin Charlotte, but she had other plans, but when I called my cousin, Bessie, she said sure she would go.
So, Sunday we took off for Gilley’s. I took a lot of pictures, but won’t inundate you with as many as I did from the Conservatory. This place was a lot bigger than I thought it was, or that it looked from the outside, so we were probably in there for a good couple of hours. It was fun and we got a lot of talking about the family done. Her youngest daughter, Linda is adopting a little boy that she has fostered for a long time, and had run in to a couple of snags, but think they have it all worked out now. I hope so, cause they sure love that little fellow.
I just got off the phone with my Dear sister-in-law, Wilma, Don’s oldest sister. She has just found out she has Breast Cancer. She assures us that it is a tiny little spot and that it is the slow growing kind. She will go in for surgery, which they are calling minor, early in the morning. She is such a sweetheart. Please keep her in your prayers. I am going to add a picture of Don and his siblings since I couldn’t find it the day I had most of our family on here.
In this picture we had all met up in Kentucky for a meal at Cracker Barrel. Dennis and Lois still live in Indiana, and Wilma lives in California, so we don’t often all land in the same place. This was a special day for us, and one of our fondest memories.
Want to welcome all my new followers. First my Dear friend Judie from Alabama. She is such a sweetheart and battling cancer also. We have a lot in common and have become very close through my blog. Welcome aboard dear friend.
Next I want to welcome Froggi, Kyotesue, and Rod And Connie. I am trying to get caught up with all of these fine bloggers, and am so glad to welcome you all aboard. Hope you enjoy the ride.
I also want to thank Rick for another great tribute to Bruce and Margie, and also a great idea. I have also placed their picture on my blog. If you click on their picture, you can read all about these wonderful people, and how they were needlessly struck down in California. It will take me a long time to get over not being able to read Margie’s blog.
Blessings to you, Pidge. My mother is a breast cancer survivor. I'm so blessed to still have her in my life.
You sure are having some medical challenges in your family! It's a good thing you are there to give such great support. :) Make sure you take care of yourself, too.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family! It seems like so much is happening all at the same time. Dealing with the health care system can really be a challenge.
Your family is sure having a tough time with health issues right now. Don't make yourself sick over this though as someone has to be strong and healthy to look after everyone! Looks like that task is falling mainly to you.
Thanks for the mention and I do hope others follow suit with the sidebar tribute to Margie.
Mom always said when rains it pours and sounds like that in your family go slow and take care.
Thank you for the welcome, Pidge. In the midst of all your family medical issues, it is so kind of you to pay attention and comment. I only recently figured out how this following thing actually works, and it's fun. Take care.
Our thoughts are with you and Donnie and your families. I hope everyone can get their health back, it's not fun having to deal with all the tests and exams that they do.
Take care.
Kevin and Ruth
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