Thank you so much for all of your wonderful help with my decision about the yearbook. I took all of your advise and talked to her parents. They actually weren’t getting it for her just because of their financial situation right now. This is the time of the year when all of their insurances’, Christmas and so forth hits them, so they just didn’t have the extra cash for it. My son is now retired from the Army, but has gone right back to school, so that is also a hit on their income. I did share with them that I would tell her I would buy it for her, but this doesn’t mean I condone what she did. They said they have both been hoping I would talk to her, with or without the book, so all will work out in the end. I am ashamed of what she did, but will never be ashamed of her. I love her dearly, and nothing will ever change that.
A few weeks ago Margie was talking about business cards, or the little cards we hand out to people, that have your site on them. I thought I would share my new ones with you. I just had them made from Vista Print. I have always used them, and have always been well satisfied with the results. I got 500 for $10.00, that is for shipping and all.
Good news about Uncle Boone this morning. His count was up at 8.6, his white count is down a little bit, and his platelets were a little lower. The only down part of today is that he is retaining fluids again, but because of his bad heart they don’t like to give him too much Lasix. We will wait and see what the Doctor wants to do about that.
Want to welcome my new followers sweetj56, and Jo Beth and Catherine. I read both of these fine blogs and enjoy them immensely. Thanks for following my blog and I hope you enjoy the ride.
Going to make this another short blog and get my dusting done, sheets washed, etc., etc.,. Stay safe and I will catch you all later. :~)
Love the cards. Nice work
Travel Safe
Very nice cards. I wondered about Vista Print - do you pick from one of their designs, or did you design your own?
Glad you are buying the book. Don't be too hard on Chelsi. We don't learn anything in life by doing things right, but we can learn from mistakes, disappointments, etc. (Some folks may disagree with me on this, but it's my experience). I have been totally ashamed of things I've done in the past, but no more. That was then and now is now, and I'm the person I am now, better for all the mistakes I've made.
hate the sin~love the sinner....
like your new cards!
good news about Uncle Boone!!!!!
I agree with others about the yearbook - get it, but have a talk with your granddaughter about her behavior. Sometimes they might listen to a grandparent more than a parent. It's worth a try.
Thanks for sharing your card. I think I'll have our new ones printed too - sounds like you got a good price.
I used to make and print our cards and enjoyed doing it. Now we really don't need them any longer. I really like yours. Glad you will buy the book. It would be a shame to not have it in the future. Good for you!!
Glad you got the yearbook issue settled...
Love the cards...I've used VistaPrint for years for home business cards. Now we use them for our RV cards...they come in so handy and the price is definitely right!
Very nice card. I have just been printing them using the MS Office business card option and inserting a picture.
very nice cards!!..great job!!
Great cards...may have to check them out. I do all my own right now.
Have a great day and thanks for the news about Uncle Boone.
Nice card! And thanks for the tip on Vista Print. I've always printed ours, but you can't beat that price. Gotta check them out.
Your card looks great. We have used Vista Print for our card as well and have been very happy with them. Sure can't beat the price.
Happy to hear Uncle Boone had a good day.
Kevin and Ruth
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